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For businesses in the biotech and life sciences sectors, the management of intellectual property is critical. More conventional intellectual property rights include copyright, trademarks and designs. However, it you are involved in a research program, then the currency your are dealing with is knowledge and information for which protection through the acquisition of intellectual property rights is important. More often this is achieved by submitting patent applications, but do not underestimate the value of knowledge (“intellectual capital”) that exists in your organization and that should be kept secret to ensure your company reaps the rewards it deserves.

It is important for the bio-entrepreneur to know about intellectual property rights, as the commercial exploitation thereof will be the basis upon which his/her business will be based.



A useful starting point for some background reading is the MIHR/PIPRA IP Handbook of Best Practices that provides some very useful information about intellectual property rights.

The MIHR/PIPRA IP Handbook of Best Practices is an online resource that offers up-to-date information and strategies for utilizing the power of intellectual property with emphasis on advancing innovation in health and agriculture. At the site you will find useful IP topics covered as well as Case studies and resources and tools which include some sample agreements. Happy reading!




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